Going bananas

I reach out for a bunch of bananas on the fruit seller’s cart – the Brat loves them and could live on bananas for the rest of  his life. My hand hovers over it for a minute and then I walk away.

As I pass the balloonwala I stop to admire the bright colours. Mentally pick the two I want and stop short. And walk away.

I check the time. It’s getting late. I must rush home to the… the… damn. To no one.

Yes, the birds have flown the nest again. They’ve gone to have chicken legs with G’Pa and Nani.

The OA and I just dropped them off and travelled back without reservation. No don’t ask us why we tend to make a habit of this. I have a feeling it’s divine intervention just so that I have something to write about here!

It was uneventful. If you call 10 hours of sitting on corners of berths and squeezed into tight corners uneventful.

When I went to bid the Brat goodbye he hugged me and said ‘Thanks for coming… ‘

Thanks for coming?!!!!

The Bean? It was time for her nightly half hour of cartoon time and she shoved me out of the way unceremoniously and got on with the important task of watching Dumbo. I begged her for a kiss. I hugged her and told her I’d miss her. A tear rolled down her cheek and I was flattered – and then realised that it was because she was watching TV unblinkingly. I reminded the Brat to wipe her eyes and make her blink every little while and left for the station.

Happy that my kids are secure and confident and have been so since the age of 1, and stayed away from me  – not just tolerating it but happy to be with whoever they are. Enjoying whatever the situation, place and people offer them. It’s comforting to know that they’re not clingy, upset without a routine or afraid to be with people other than their parents.

The Bean has changed remarkably over the last couple of months. Not only is she not afraid or shy with strangers, she is outright bold, walking up to people for a kiss and a thank you. She’s a little more picky than the Brat but she does me proud.

We had a houseful over the last two days at my parents’ place and it seems strange that I know more single men than women –  from their early teens to the mid thirties. And my kids love them. And they love my kids.

A patient Perakath watched over the Brat while he pretended he was fishing in the fish pond. In reality he was just digging in there with a stick and chucking bits of the waterplants out. We ignored him, knowing that every kid in our family has had their baptism by water at least once in one of the ponds and not been any worse off for it. But Perakath persevered and stood out there picking up each bit of sopping wet weed and tossing it back in. Ensuring that the Brat didn’t drown.

The other two cousins melted each time the Bean asked for something and by the end of it I had three pairs of doggie eyes looking at me pleadingly each time she wanted a bar of  ‘choko-let’.

For those who wanted to know how Nani reacted to the Bean’s chicken eating – She sent us two tickets the next day to bring her Bean back to her which is how we ended up rushing them back to Nani-G’Pa house. Well there’s a longer story behind that but we may as well save that for another post…

And I was in no hurry to leave office and rush home today  – because the nursery is dark.

30 thoughts on “Going bananas

  1. Why did Nani send only 2 tickets? She dint get tickets for you and the OA?

    Me: 🙂 TIckets for me and OA only, child. Indian Railways you dont need tickets for such young kids because they’re not given a berth

  2. Aww…that’s sweet and sad simultaneously…Ok now that you have so much time on your hands, let’s see two posts a day…oh wait, you already *do* that! 😉


  3. ohhh so the bean and the brat are their nani’s place now… I hope the eban has a great time eating her chicken with her nani….
    I would say you are lucky to have a set of parents who are around to take care and revel in the joys of their grandchildren..

  4. aaww… u must be missing ur kids…

    but it’s a good thing that they are already independent now.. it’ll make life much easier for them when they grow up and go elsewhere to study or work

  5. sheesh…you sent them away to peacefully celebrate Valentine’s day….and now see the drama!

    The irony is – we’d miss them like crazy here thinking about them most of the time and they would’ve not given us even a thought. G’parents are so cool, ya know?

  6. You went mid-week to drop them at G’pa’s? I am mentally kicking my ass not to be lazy to drop my kids at their g’parents’ at least during weekends.

    Me: no ya – went on Saturday – didnt I mail and tell you?

  7. Its wonderful that the Brat and Bean are so independent and comfortable being away from their parents.

    Most kids usually make a huge fuss about it.:)

    Cheers to Bean having a wonderful time eating chicken with Nani!

  8. Oh Oh its sad that you and the OA have to stay away from the Brat & the Bean for so many days.And yet so heartening to know that they are learning to be independent from so early on in life.

    When I read about how you went to the Bean to give her a kiss and get one from her in return,it reminded my of my daughter,Namnam.She never gives me or my husband a kiss when we go out(we’ll be literally pleading her,mind u) and she knows either of us will not be taking her along.She will just refuse point-blank.But the minute we tell her ‘ok,you also come’ she will jump to us and kiss & hug us real tight!Its as if she has been yearning to shower her love on us but we have not been allowing her to do so!
    Aajkal ke bache,mashallah!

    May God bless the Brat & the Bean.Hope they have a wonderful wonderful time at the Grandpa & Nani’s:)

  9. 🙂

    very very cool!

    this is the only reason i wish we were least decent train distance away from the grandparents. can hardly afford flight tickets just like that!

    even i used to stay with my grandparents since i was a year old. Cubby does not. not his fault though.

    hopefully some day in future! 🙂

    the brat and bean are gonna have SUCH a blast!! 😀


  10. Did Nana & Nani taking little Brat and Bean away so that you guys could celebrate Valentine’s Day 😉

    Me: nope! its a longer story than that and I’ve saved it for another post 😀

  11. What a timing for this post of yours. Just yesterday I wrote how I’m getting cold feet about sending Betu off to his Dadi-Dadu. Looking at you I’m getting some courage 😀

  12. so that’s where the Dumbo the elephant CD went .. by the ways do you have Joy’s Horton Hears a who as well..???

    Me: of course. did you forget? we have Dumbo, horton and Shiver me whiskers. have made copies and will see you on the weekend. damn – could i not have said this on the phone?!

  13. I made my sis read this – reminded us of lots of holidays spent lazing away at thatha-paati’s place.
    There is something about Grandparents and how they totally indulge you on all the otherwise, forbidden things – its so much fun. And going by pics u’ve put up previously, it seems Nana-Nani are no exception.
    Have fun, Brat and Beanie 🙂

  14. Now thats tough, I find it difficult to think of leaving my kid elsewhere. Call me bad if you will!
    Let me guess, is it something with your knee or some other thing you are going to be busy with, that you decided to leave them at the grandparents place, so they could be away from something. I know, its a wild wild guess.
    Blog, if you feel lonely (we know we can’t make up for the kids), we will give you company.

    Me: not at all – its not bad at all. why do you think i dont send them to daycare and come back from office when they come back from school?! fortunately they’ve not gone just anywhere – but to people who love them as much as i can, if not more – their grandparents. who are fit, fun and family. so its the only exception i make to the ‘no leaving mama’ rule.

  15. Hey MM, let me tell you, I am in absolute awe of the way you are bringing up your kids.
    And you have lovely set of parents to rely upon and your kids are blessed to have them.
    I do not have that option, and I am not putting in the reasons here.
    You are a Great Momma, way to go!!

  16. its fantastic that they share such a close relationship with their nana and nani…i am sure they spoil them rotten. thats what gparents do….my kids share a similar bond with their paternal grandparents who live just a stone thows away…in the US this is a huge blessing!

    well..i know its hard to be away from them…but they are in safest place they can be…so enjoy your time with OA…wishing you both a very happy valentines’ day. perhaps play the ‘dice game’ and get raunchy…
    (***runs away to hide from MM***)

  17. HAHAHAHA @ “Thanks for coming” … your son sure has a killer sense of humour… did he say it with a poker-straight face?

  18. Next time you see Bananas, buy a couple for yourself. Bananas are very nutritious, high fiber, and mood lifters.
    A lot of us avoid Bananas because of the high calorie fear but that’s a myth.

  19. Pingback: The nursery is dark. Again. | The Mad Momma

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