Aging like wine

Dear old man,

You turn 35 today. Funnily it doesn’t bother me as much as your turning 30 did. I was young and excitable and I spent days planning your birthday party.  Now I know better. I know you enjoy nothing more than a quiet dinner with me. Well it could also be because you’re falling apart at the seams whereas 5 years ago you were dancing till the early hours of the morning and getting very drunk!

Happy Birthday… the hair may be greying but as I watch you shake with laughter, hugging your kids and watching Madagascar, I know the heart is still as young.

I’m glad I am back at work (albeit flexitime) because I can afford to buy you your gift.

When I took you to the store to choose your LCD TV, you overshot my budget by oh… just about 100%. Let it never be said that you have poor taste. *ahem, koff, koff*  Which is why you glanced at the 32 inch TV I had offered as a gift and then looked at the big 42 inch one wistfully.

In that one second you reminded me of the Brat who looks at things wistfully and doesn’t always ask for them. And then I knew that it didn’t matter how many months it set me back by, you would have the TV you wanted.

And so we took it, while you hemmed and hawed and looked guilty. I felt terrible. Terrible that you felt guilty at indulging yourself. You have the typical Indian elder son syndrome – Indulge the family and deny yourself.

Well darling, those days are over. In this home we’re equal. And you will no longer be denying yourself anything if I can afford it. Yes, we have the kids and we love them and we want the best for them. But there is nothing so earth shakingly urgent that requires us to deny ourselves everything we like.

This TV is just the beginning. I hope to indulge you in ways you haven’t ever imagined.. *koff koff* and then some. You’ve slogged your butt off to give me and the kids security, love, comfort and a home we love.

The last 35 years were about you taking care of your parents, wife and kids. The next 35 are going to be about all of us putting you first. So put your feet up, get a cool beer, sit back and chill and let life begin.

And oh – since I’ve managed to get you to be less uptight about matters of the heart … I can say it out in the open…

I love you, old man.



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PS: Yes, this is the way you three look when you watch TV. In tiers. Funny how the littlest is always at the bottom of the pyramid.

And oh.. wanna dance? I dedicate this Tom Jones number to you. Who says you can’t subvert the whole sex bomb concept? Yeah, take that Tom Jones!!

91 thoughts on “Aging like wine

  1. This TV is just the beginning. I hope to indulge you in ways you haven’t ever imagined.. *koff koff* and then some

    Koffing happenin!!! 😉

    Happy Birthday to smitten MM’s OA. 🙂

  2. Another one of your better posts :). Happy Birthday OA. Jiyo hazaaron saal and all that!

    Me: thanks saami 😉

  3. Happy Birthday OA! And Yay! New LCD

    Btw MM, do u actually take, this out of focus, poorly lit pictures just for the blog??

    Me: oye – its not out of focus! as for the damn dark thing, i cant help it – i HATE the flash and this is the best my poor camera can do! 🙂

  4. That is such a cute pic! Happy Birthday to the OA! May all your dream come true…I am sure MM will stand by to make sure they do 🙂 Here’s to many more!

  5. Happy birthday OA!!!

    *buys candy bars and gives it to OA*

    [Sorry!! That is all I can afford right now with my measly (student) pocket money. :(]

    Many many happy returns of the day once again. I hope you have the best day ahead! 🙂

  6. You sweet sweet girl MM 🙂
    Happy Birthday to the OA 🙂 Wishing him a fantastic year ahead.

    PS: Checked the email I sent? 😀

  7. Happy Bday to the OA 🙂
    and btw totally unrelated to this post, I attended this wedding of a cousin of mine and there was a couple with two children..son and a daughter. And in my mind I kept naming them as the bean, brat, OA, and the mad momma…Thats when it struck me that I am addicted!

  8. Awww, moi totally insipired to do something for my man too, and a happy budday OA! U have a rocking wife, you cant ask for more you know!!


  9. Dear Mad momma,

    Delurking to wish OA happy b’day.
    I had clicked a similar picture of my hubby watching tv with my son and daughter climbing on him a few days ago.

    God bless your lovely family and may you keep blogging for ever 🙂

    I love the way your express your views.

  10. Nice post.
    This is an amazing way to look at life. Seems you have learnt well how to balance all the aspects of the life.
    Happy Birthday to OA.

    BTW…wondering who m I? 🙂 Just a frequent visitor to your blog. And must say, you have an amazing capacity to express yourself.
    Keep going young lady!

  11. Happy Birthday to the OA….
    and MM, that is the cutest pic i have ever seen in my life…. wud have loved to see the bean’s expressions though in it…..

  12. MM,
    Happy birthday to the OA. But more than that, what gives me goose pimples is to read abt couples who still have ‘it’ after 5 yrs of marriage. Thank god for helping us find the right guys. And I love the fact that you do keep a balanced perspective abt the hubby and the kids. Like I tell my Lord, the kids are the happiest when they see the both of us hugging…there’s nothing more pleasurable than knowing that Mama- Papa love one another like mad!

  13. Please wish OA a very happy birthday!

    And you are a smitten and lovely wife 🙂 God bless you guys.

  14. Such a lovely wife there..
    Happy Birthday and may life rock for you all.

    this ones gonna be one of the most special reads for him.. does he read your blog?

    Me: 🙂 very rarely. only to keep me on my toes. i doubt he’s read today.

  15. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww .. Happy Budday to the OA.. BTW, called you twice this weekend. Looks like you were busy 🙂

  16. Happy Bday to OA.

    “Typical Indian Elder Son” syndrome. Very apt observation that and have seen it in lots of families, especially in villages where young lads of 25 have to take care of siblings,some as young as 10.

    SO happy t.v. viewing to y’all!! 🙂

  17. Hey there OA,happy birthday and hope you have a good one!Love and prayers for many many more to come.
    PS the pic is too sweet…

  18. I love how amazingly heartfelt (and still mostly laugh-out-loud) all your posts are! You’re amazingly evocative with your writing…one of the few bloggers i WISH would come out with a book!!

    And a happy birthday to the OA…wishing you and the family many happy hours of tv viewing 🙂

    Me: no yaar – I dont have a book inside me. a column maybe – because i love the community feel this has. a book? no, i dont have that much faith in my writing. although it feels good to hear you guys say it 🙂

  19. Happy Birthday, OA.

    Wish you a great day, and many more wonderful ones in the years to come.

    The letter was lovely, MM. And so are you. Right! So now that I am hopefully in your good (best?) books, will you please let me clone the OA? The world needs more of his kind. 100% altruistic interest here, nothing selfish! 😉

  20. Hey MM, perhaps you could put together a book full of small snippets instead…Think lady think!!

    And HAPPY BIRTHDAY OA!!! Thats from everyone here in my office shouting their guts out 😀

  21. A very Happy B’day to the Old..err OA!

    Though in the photo, he looks anything but. I swear I had a tough time making out which head belonged to him & which to the kids 😛

  22. I hope OA is reading all this.. he shud feel like a rock star!! With so many women wishing him..

    MM, but it doesn’t do justice to the image that u have given us of the ‘George Clooney’ like man!!

  23. Happy birthday to the OA.
    And lady, everybody has a book inside them and you do have the major obstacle (expressing yourself — and how!) out of the way.
    Don’t live in denial.
    I would love to own a book written by you.

  24. Happy OA’s Birthday to you MM !!!

    From the OA’s pictures, I sense a strong resemblance to Randeep Hooda (Know him?)
    No offence ok? I think RH is quite nice looking 🙂

    Me: none taken. i think he’s hot too 🙂 he’s a cross between RH, FA and Rahul Dev because of the scars. so says the smitten wife

  25. Happy Birthday to the OA, may you have many, many more.
    Enjoy the new TV and any of the other indulgences your lovely wife has in mind. koff* koff*


  26. You dare say 35 is old? *glares angrily from 38*

    Seriously though here’s wishing the OA a happy budday and lots of koff koff.

  27. Happy Birthday to your OA!

    OA reminds me so much of K. When our dog tripped on the TV wires and bought the entire set crashing down, this man was secretly happy because now he could go out and buy a bigger screen TV!

  28. Wishes for a lifetime of happiness, health and all that he wants..heartiest ‘Happy Budday’ to the OA.

    When I see your post has pics, I scroll down slowly, just like a very excited kid would open a box full of treats 😀

    You never disappoint.

    *Touchwood* on the ‘cozyness’ in the picture.

  29. Happy Birthday to OA. Hope you guys had a lovely time as a family. Hoping to read more about the celebration. Enjoy the LCD!!

  30. Belated wishes to the OA. You are a great sport girl, that’s why I like you so much. Most women would think it is their birth right to be maintained by their man, but you show us all what equality in a marriage means. Hats off!

  31. MM,

    Oops, missed reading this post yesterday amidst all the beginning of the month drama at work……….

    wishing the OA a great year ahead!

    Hope y’all had a gr8 time yesterday!!!


  32. oi vey!!
    happy Birthday to the OA!!
    and you’ve finally bought your boy another toy! yep all of these gadgets- palm PRI’s flat screen tellies of gargantuan proportions all of these are just boys toys.
    But heck, i get it, shoes, bags and clothes are things of beauty to us. Plugs, screens, surround sound, multiple terabyte hard drives bring them to rapture! sigh.
    here’s to blowing the budget for the man in your life, not once but everytime!!
    and here’s to MM and OA, among the coolest smug marrieds I know!

  33. Wish him belated happy birthday for me. I have been out of town and without internet access for a bit. I can see it was happy:)

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