Flowers and babies bloom…

My garden is in bloom and I can’t help but feel rather pleased with myself. But credit must go to all those who contributed …


…and so I introduce you to my little gardeners. This one in haute couture – Led Zep tee, bloomers and her elder brother’s slippers…


And this one who is a pro. No matter how late they get back from the garden or the park, they do the second set of watering for the day…


And as a result they’ve learnt alot; even being introduced to an earthworm and learning to call it by the hindi word, kechua.


We take green into our dining room…..right on to our dining table,


…with dried and preserved leaves, pressed between sheets of handmade paper, made into table mats and sold at the Aurobindo Ashram..


So – would you like to stop by for a visit and join us for a cuppa tea?!


PS: I hope all of you are voting for me. Go here and VOTE. Please 😀

35 thoughts on “Flowers and babies bloom…

  1. its sweet that the kids and you can do this together – who lugs up those pots and mud and everything else to ur terrace?

    Me: *quietly nods in the direction of the OA*

  2. Beauuuuutiful garden. Cute gardeners.. Bean’s ‘Bug in my garden’ pic is my fav pic. Ur garden has always inspired me a lot..
    I have a few plants here in our apartment patio in Chicago. V r moving back to India next month And now..i hv started planning wat to grow on our terrace in Chennai… Dunno if anything will survive in Chennai’s climate…

  3. dekho if I vote for Mimi mujhey sari, daru bottle and a chicken mil raha hai and probability of the spill over benefits of someone winning in Melbourne are greater!!

  4. Beautiful pictures, beautiful home MM. Next time I am visiting India, I would definitely like to meet you and have a cup of tea with you. I hope it’s a open invitation.

  5. I just love the decor of your home… and the garden is a true beauty!

    I always see your pictures and think I need to pick up these ideas and do something at my place too 🙂

    PS: I voted for you…and you are running third as of now.

  6. Just voted, you’ll win hands down, girl, and you deserve it too! Your garden, as usual is awe inspiring, makes me want to hide my little patch away! How did you get the plant sprout so many flowers?
    The gardeners are wonderful too. More than the designer T, I like the smockingwalla dress in the worm photo! Congrats in advance!

  7. MM, i voted for you twice there. Should’nt it disable a second time voting or something. It wouldnt be fair na. Were you aware of that?Anyways you seem to be doing preety good there…

    Me: you did? thanks 🙂 and nope – but then i am possibly the most untechsavvy person i know…. i hope to do well simply because this blog means so much to me 🙂

  8. listen girl you are making the house hunting so much difficult for me. i’ll certainly kill you or else you stop posting pics of your garden with those little bugs.

    and i am so much eager to move into a bigger house where my first purchase will be a dining table i have been eyeing for a while now. those table mats look so decent.

    Me: thats the idea! I’m so happy to have you down the road. I refuse to let you move any further away!

  9. then pray to God that he gives my husband the desired raise this time so that we can afford a home in the decent locality surrounding yours. else you will find me shifting into yours very soon 😉

    Me: *closes eyes and obediently begins to pray*

  10. Your garden and home is stunning MM! I will not be in peace until I have spent at least 2 glorious unwinding days drinking chai as the sun sets and watching the stars twinkle as we talk into the night!

  11. I love the dress Beanie is wearing. And the plants in the teacup. And the pink flowers. And Beanie and Brat are lovely, as always. =)

  12. What a lovely magnolia! I don’t think I’ve seen a double-colored one before…and the B&B are wonderful – can I borrow them? My garden (such as it is) needs watering every day as well!


  13. You cant vote twice. It appears to let you, but doesnt: 1. It says you’ve already voted once. 2. The total number of votes cast for ALL blogs (at the bottom of the page) doesnt change.

  14. MM my girl,

    I voted for ya…inspite of a broken toe, husband out of town , fussy baby who refuses to sleep, maid showing tantrums and I faithfuly go over and vote for ya. How much do I love thee, let me count the ways and all that jazz….

    btw my dining hall walls are the same colour as urs…

    *sighing happily that i have something in common with the mad momma*


    Me: how did you break your toe? and yohann is not sleeping? will mail you.

  15. Voted for you just now.
    In return I ask you for something – a close up of the framed wall hanging (on the wall behind the dining table). Please

    Me: but of course. I did a post on it long ago – must be in my archives. its a framed piece of the pallu from a saree that belonged to my grandmother

  16. MM….lovely pics…beautiful garden. Ever since I have started actively gardening I see lot of lizards in the house…I am assuming its because of the cool corners due to all teh pots and plants around. Do you also face the same problem? What do you do in such a case? The creepies freak me out!

  17. You didn’t reply :((((

    Me: LOL! okay sorrry – just pressed for time. Yes, I do have lizards but I dont bother them and they dont bother me. I have heard that egg shells keep them away though – so you might want to try that. all the best!

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