67 thoughts on “The beauty of a cesarean section

      • I quite love my moms big belly…its smaller than it used to be and we keep telling her not to lose weight or she’ll soon be skinnier than us :-p
        But I particularly remember laying down on it and listening to all the queer sounds coming from within. That was peace…pillow soft bellies are so awesome!

  1. how cute yaar…. i have been saying i want to avoid a C sec as far as possible, now there is atleast one thing that will seem to be a positive out of a c sec 🙂

  2. Awwwwwwwww! The only thing Shyama does with my twice-cut up tummy is bounce on it like she’s trying to get the stitches to come out.

    Two in two years. 2008 Shyama, 2009 Utkarsh.

    I am super jealous of how slim you are. I’ve been ‘voluptuous’ since i was 20!

    Oh, you and one more blogger inspired me to start a mommy blog even though I was determined I wouldn’t. Although now I don’t know what I’ll do with it after yours. *glooooom*

    • LOL! i am hardly slim. yesterday the husband told me to lose weight on my arms if i want to look good. yes of course i kicked him in the misters. what a silly question to ask 😉

      you know i didnt want to be a ‘mommy blogger’. but if you’re a SAHM and you have kids – how can you write a personal blog without referring to the darn brats?

      • Please send husband to me for class. I’ll make sure he doesn’t go home unless he gets two gold stars. Thin arms, indeed. Absolutely agree about how you can’t help but write about the kids.

  3. wow. you look so good. Even though I gave natural birth, thats exactly what I told my kids – that the doctor took them out of my tummy and put them next to me. Did not go into the details 🙂

  4. 🙂 Now I’m wondering how will I explain the birth process, considering I did not have a c-sec. Because though the child is not even two yet, I can see the question coming. It is only a matter of time.

    And that also reminds me that at the ripe age of 27 when I was 3 months pregnant, I realized I had got the most important fact about child birth wrong! (don’t ask) For which I received the award for the dumbest person on earth of all times.

  5. …while C section rates are at an all time high here in the US (32%), you’re making one sound very tempting indeed :p
    If I don’t end up with a scar to prove it, may be I can show the kid the stretch marks and say thats where you came from! ROFL…

    • here. take. i hope the cheque is in the mail
      actually i dont emotionally blackmail them. i just gave them the God honest truth. the doc DID cut me and take them out and I show them proof. cant help it if that bleeding heart son of mine still comes by to kiss it 🙂

      • I’m kidding! Well, about the emotionally blackmailing part anyway. The Brat’s bleeding heart ways are why I love him so much.

        The cheque is on it’s way. Now when can I expect them?

  6. MM

    Now that you mention it,thats a really great idea for the birds and bees talk…..:D nice pic , and sooo sweet of them to do that! Just wondering, does the scar still hurt? Eight months after the C sec, mine does at the times when Artim the explorer plonks a podgy hand on certain areas in the course of his travels!

  7. u bet!!

    oh.. and for all the would be mothers who are scared of c sec or look at it negatively… i just want to share… i had an ELECTIVE c sec.. and i am more than just fine… i did that after speaking to MANY gyneacs and i am a c sec veteran coz i had two of them… all the talks of how its going to screw us up is debatable.. i have seen enough vaginal deliveries go bad.. but let me add, that i practice yoga very seriously to be fit in my 50’s. THAT’s when THEY say a csec effects show up right..its all in the mind, seriously!!! and i think i have it covered 🙂 just sharing….

    • i am truly not 🙂 but i shall take the compliment and smile graciously. that is my resolution this year. speaking of which i am still holding on to the one of not wasting stuff.

  8. i am 5 mnths pregnt with my second one. my elder one is now 3 n half…he keeps on asking me , how will the lil one come out from my tummy…his possible options are mouth n ears…yesterday he added nose also on his list….i culdnt stop laughing…

  9. Wow. never looked at it that way. I had a normal delivery and now am going to have the next one. When my son says that your tummy is going to burst open and doc is going to pull the baby out, I am in a fix. Should I correct him, or let it be?

  10. That poor child kisses your tummy in adoration and then you try telling me he actually is a Brat?? Some people I tell you! Adorable pic. And you are one Hottie Mc Hottie Mama 🙂

  11. Aww aww awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. I’m gonna choke with all that mush. The thought of being kissed on tummy, from where they came into being, by two little angels…
    Jeez, I wanna come hug the babies.

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