The advantage of having an artist in the family

… is that you can bully her into spending her one day in your home, just painting. And this is what we came up with.

A Warli border running around my corridor.  I love it because she’s captured a celebratory mood and the figures literally skip up on the air, clicking their feet together, beating drums, blowing trumpets and sort of lifting the mood in the dreary corridor that I’ve always found a little dreary.




And this wall behind my study table. I got a new table and the wall behind it stood dull and uninspiring. So I got her to do birds inspired by this. A flight of imagination?!  I know the clock ruins it but hell if I move it I’ll never get up in the morning!


Oh – and a few days ago the Chhota nana and I did this in the nursery. And put up a whole new bunch of stars on their ceiling. These days they just can’t wait to go to bed and turn off the lights and watch the stars twinkle! Thank you Rohini Masi!


And last  but not the least, a couple of stain glass butterflies painted on to the windows. I just miss butterflies in the city and they seem to brighten up the windows. A tiny bit of quirk that can be hidden up by drawing the curtains.


57 thoughts on “The advantage of having an artist in the family

  1. Very nice. I love the Warli painting.

    On the clock over your desk,. maybe it will look better if you get a clock with a black frame?

    And where did you get the clock for the nursery. I have been looking for a nice kiddie clock for Ayaan’s room for forever.

    And am so glad they like the stars 🙂

    • Good idea Ro. I DO have a black framed clock. And the nursery clock was a gift one of them got for their birthdays. They LOVE the stars and turning the lights off is a big game at night!

  2. Oh its lovely. My mom’s an artist and I’m waiting for two things – her masterpiece to hang in my drawing room and one wall in the house that is waiting for her to paint on…I wanted her to do these Worli stick figures, but she did this at another place and she wants to try out something different.

    Another thing that can be done is those Kutch wala thing, textured wall with plaster of Paris and mirrors and stuff…but that will get done in my dream home!

    Me: oh I have that on my balcony! Now I want to learn how to do it

  3. omg… you went all out and its absolutely fabulous…. love the warli paintings…. i’ve been too chicken to try although i have a paisley mural idea for my balcony…. its time to get down to copy that!! awesome!!

  4. hey MM,

    Cool job done!
    Abt the warli thing- I had EXACTLY same thing in my mind for long. Same pinch!! The very same concept to have a warli border in our corridor, just that with maroon to go with the off-white walls. 🙂 We are staying in govt quarters(build half a centuary before, i guess) so it’s a brainstorming task how to make everything look nice and diff than our neighbour!


  5. Hey MM, your already pretty home just turend prettier 🙂 I just loved the Warli paintings!! Who is the talented artist? She is amazing.
    Me: my cousin. dont think you’ve ever met her

  6. I especially loved the animals foamy cutouts in the kids room. U made them from scratch? or store bought? If u did it, please do post on steps. The other paintings were great too…she did those free hand??? WOW!

    Me: the cutouts are store bought 🙂

  7. Hey MM !!

    I am so J 😉 Your home is such a delight! I keep checking out so many interesting stuff on the net and have bullied my hubby into surrendering our home to me to decorate once its ready 😀

    Even the thought of putting in all the ideas and designs I like to reality makes me so happy 🙂

    btw I have been checking wall decals on etsy and have found some fab designs there. They are not easy to paint but very pretty.

  8. how adorable yaar. can imagine you perking up everytime u walk down that corridor now. the birds look gorg too. arent u going to fill in the butterflies with colour?

    Me: oh but they ARE 😦 the colours sadly, were cheapie colours from a kiddie set. So they arent showing up. I need to redo it.

  9. How lucky are you? 😀 I wish I had a painter in the family too. Sheer gorgeousness. Not all could have gone ahead and dunnit, though, you know. These things need a certain confidence. Nice, happy feeling, I am getting looking at your walls, I say. 😀

  10. wow very pretty! The owner of the house wont have a problem with this?

    Me: nah! he’s pretty chilled out because he is quite the miser. since we’ve moved here we’ve done up the house so well that the value has gone up. even built the bathrooms up better

  11. cool 🙂 hey can you please tell me what paint to use on wall? I was planning to do something on my walls as well since long

    Me: its just those little fevicryl/camel paint bottles.

  12. Oh, I LOVE the warli dancing figures and the birds!! I wish your artist friend could come paint something like that around our office – the decor is modern minimalist blah, and needs some cheering up!

    Me: i cant STAND minimalist blah. It belongs to hotel lobbies. Homes NEED the clutter of their inhabitants.

  13. WOW MM!! u got a beautiful house and a cool landlord who doesnt mind the walls being painted 🙂
    BTW, where did u get the animal cut outs from ? some time back i bought these glowing starts, moon etc..and they fell off the wall within no time 😦 and they did not even glow very well..
    Would love some thing like that for the kids room…pls..pls share ur secrets 😉

  14. Aw, beautiful work, MM’s cousin. My favourite is the chap kicking his heels in joy (second from left, I think.)

    And the birds are lovely too.

  15. The game is afoot! Warli on walls reminds me of Sherlock Holmes – the dancing men. So many stories to make with the dancing people here – what fun!

  16. @art: read india has one too, its a story involving about shiva-parvati. its called ‘the first farmers’ i think.
    plus some NCERT textbooks have detailed warli art as illustrations!

  17. The Warli is lovely, I wish I could do something in the same vein for my apartment but my landlady-who lives two apartments away from me and nearly had a stroke when she saw all the pictures and Chat Noir posters I had put up. Painting just might push her an inch closer to her death! I did have a pair of penguins on my bedroom wall in NYC painted by my roomie on a cold winter night, when we refused to step out two blocks to get dinner.

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