Ill-mannered and dangerous

… is what I would call this man (some call him Gaurav Chopra) who almost ran over Kiran’s little son Krish who was peacefully cycling within the colony.

There is something about brash young men that makes me want to catch them by the collar and give them a good shaking. Perhaps they forget that a mere ten years or so ago, they were young boys playing cricket in the colony and cycling around the building.

What makes this worse is that this is all within a gated community where you’re expected to be driving slowly, keeping in mind that the young and elderly share this space with you. We’re not only growing more uncouth everyday, we’re also increasingly selfish and aggressive. As he proved by getting out and yelling at Kiran instead of apologising for what was his fault. I suppose what they say about all bullies is right – that they’re basically lily livered. Because the moment the irate big built father came out to deal with him, the bully turned coward. And hastily apologised for having told Kiran to look out or the child might not be so lucky the next time. Yes, he did say that! The diabolical insolence of it!!!

What is it that gives people this sense of entitlement? Fame? Can’t be. Because I had to google him to figure out who she was talking about. He’s not really a household name you know. (Not that it would make a difference but…)

Rash driving has got Salman Khan’s car and then the BMW case into the limelight. Yet, no one seems to have learnt a lesson. You don’t need to be a parent to care for life. I hope more people speak up against it.

Cee Kay


Eve’s Lungs

Itching to Write


Edited to add: So it looks like the young man’s PR agency got back to him about this bad press because he showed up at Kiran’s doorstep with chocolates and an apology. Good for him.

28 thoughts on “Ill-mannered and dangerous

  1. So who’s this Sunayana chick, then?

    And yes, well said. I still cannot get over his threat to Kiran.

    Me: oh she’s this really cool chick. i loved her post on it. you could learn something from her!

  2. even googling for his pics did not jog my memories..
    WHO IS HE?

    Me: some two bit actor. Who will now probably milk this and get more fame for being the man who almost crushed a small boy, than for his acting prowess

  3. have people really forgotten that you cannot drive at a 80 speed within the building premises. One of my friends also had a similar experience. But there atleast the person concerned was decent enough to apologise.

    I just googled to see who the hell was Guarav Chopra…

  4. I clearly don’t have a life coz I did *not* have to google Gaurav Chopra to know who he was. 😀
    I guess his only claim to fame was his appearance on Nach Baliye, out of which he got kicked off pretty soon as well. Here goes:

    Jokes apart, I really hope something comes out of this that shames him into apologising for his thuggish behaviour.

  5. I really feel this should be taken up with the residents association. This is bound to happen again.

    You drive however you want but on empty roads where you stand to kill just yourself!

  6. The funny thing is, the very people who they look down on, are the people who make them what they are. Please do soemthing about this guy. Don’t let it go.

  7. I had to go to Kiran’s blog to see ki ye gaurav hai kaun?
    what a creep!
    and the sheer guts…how dare he say that?the child might not be so lucky?WTF?

    he needs to be taught a lesson or two!

  8. Pingback: Joys of growing up | Chez Moi

  9. Lily livered 🙂

    Yeah, sometimes people forget that they used to be kids too and living in crowded cities there are very little open spaces for them to play.

    Keep Blogging!

    Me: 🙂 well what really gets my goat is that its within the community walls. We live within these enclosed spaces because its the last place our kids get to be kids and play freely…

  10. NM

    I follow your blog regularly. I wanted to share something that happened to one of my cousins who goes to DPS in Ahmedabad. Not really related to what you have posted about Kiran’s son but wanted to share it with you since your blog has a lot of visitors and is very popular with parents.

    The short of it is that my 6 year old cousin brother was dropped on the wrong bus stop unattended and the school refuses to accept their mistake.

    Please help spread the word about what happened.

  11. MM,

    can you or other folks in the media do something about this? I doubt the police will even accept a FIR in this case. The guy seems to think that any publicity is better than none, so what might work is to publicise the issue without giving him any “credit” so to speak….any way of going through the producers or powers-that-be of his TV show (if he has one, comments on your post seem to indicate he doesn’t). Alternatively, could someone “bigger” than him professionally be approached to address the issue?


  12. OK ‘nother idea…assuming the guy has parents alive, could they be contacted to ask about his “upbringing” since he seems to lack any.


  13. Yeah looks like he plays his character in serials too. Stupid fellow. Sacchi, I also feel he will get more fame from this than he has ever received in his life. And I wont be surprised, if Ekta kapoor really picks up the idea and she will put it in one of his serials, where he will be running over kids and then Heroine will save the kid or something.

  14. It seems to be a rule when driving in India that if there’s an accident, the person who shouts the loudest is in the right even if he isn’t. And yes, brashness seems to be de rigour these days, whether it’s in boardrooms or classrooms or the media.

  15. I agree with the Bride about the shouting part. But this shows how unsafe even the seemingly gated confines of “nice” places are. What should one do about these hooligans?

  16. MM,

    I hear you, and am enraged to say the least.

    In US, they have signs within communities that say ‘Please drive slowly for the sake of our children’… I think that is something to try out.
    Now I do understand that people like this guy maybe too crazy to understand even with that.. but it may caution altleast a few others and make them think a bit.

  17. Hi I got connected to your blog through my daughter’s…… of her readers refered us to a baby blog and from there I reached yours……was a nice read…

    Let me know what you think of mine’s….

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    And, The Contradiction Continues-I

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