Gender bender?

When I heard about this advertisement, I was confused. I am usually very clear about my stand on most things and I am hoping that writing down the way I feel will help clarify my thoughts. A mother paints her little son’s toenails pink.

By itself it seems no biggie. Growing up I saw loads of little boys dressed in frocks, fulfilling their mother’s dream of a daughter. If you look through family albums you will notice at least one picture of almost a little boy in a dress, immortalised in black and white.

Growing up in small town UP, its a common sight to see little boys even up to the age of 5 or 6 with their hair plaited and tied up in ribbons. We often make the mistake of smiling at a little pretty plaited child and asking  – how old is she? Only to have the parents smile back and gently correct us – HE is 5 and we haven’t had the mundan yet.  As a little girl I found the long haired boys funny because in our community/religion we don’t have a mundan tradition but I eventually got used to it and accepted it for what it was. Apparently many things need to fall in line depending on your family traditions – the auspicious date, it can only be done at an odd numbered age – 1, 3, 5 etc. Cannot be done in a year you lose a family member or if the mother is pregnant again etc. So we’d end up with these big boys coming to school, hair in long plaits, getting teased by other little kids.

But that apart, I’ve seen loads of little boys dressed up in dresses for parties because the mother just wanted to. Because she kept trying and after 2/3 boys gave up all hope of ever having a girl and dressed the littlest fellow as a girl for many years. I’ve once taken a picture of the 20 month old brat with his hair in two pigtails because I was sitting around playing with him and it seemed like a funny thing to do and try and imagine what the baby I was pregnant with would look like if it was a girl (I was wrong, she looks nothing like a brat in pigtails).

The Brat often comes to me when I am getting dressed for a party and asks for a spritz of my perfume. I sometimes just spray him with my fresh lime deo or a melon-ey body spray and at other times take him to the OA’s cupboard and give him a shot of the OA’s more masculine scents. But I don’t think it’s ever been a matter of discussion. He has never asked me to paint his nails but that is because he’s also seen the Bean being told that little children must not wear nail polish or makeup. Why, asks the Bean?

Because you’re already beautiful, I tell her. Little children are perfect and don’t need make up. Look at your lovely clear skin and pretty hair and smile. Mama is old and falling apart and needs a little denting and painting job done on her. The Brat just hugs me and says, You’re not old, you’re not falling apart!

But anyhow, the point is that the nailpaint thing has never arisen. The Bean wears my heels and stumbles around the house but she also stomps around the house in the OA’s shoes. Which brings me to the second part – are we just more particular about our boys being boys than our girls being girly? I’d probably paint the Brat’s toes if he wanted to wear pink nail polish, confident that it would be hidden in his little boy sneakers. But in all honesty I might worry about people making fun of him. Other kids laughing, other parents commenting. Sometimes it is not so much your own fears as the fear of others ridiculing and hurting the child’s feelings.

Over the years parents have become more easy going about daughters wearing pants and joining the army but a son interested in fashion design or dance still raises eyebrows. If we are so particular about not forcing pink and frothy dresses on our little girls who want to climb walls in denim shorts, why are we so particular about forcing our little boys into pants and never letting them play with a pair of wings and a wand? Particularly when this is their choice unlike being forced into keeping long hair and wearing dresses?

We’re at a cusp in this country. There are some of us who only shop in the very Western Mothercare and ELC  for  pink dresses and pink vaccum cleaners for our daughters and little blue tees and cars for our sons. But in some parts of the country the plaited boys still prevail. (Hell, in some parts of the country you will still see men holding hands and they’re only friends!)

So… what do you think? Would you allow your son to paint his nails if he wanted to? An older boy – even 5 or 6? What about your daughter? Do you tend to dress her in pinks and reds alone?

Edited to add: A friend is setting up a fitness centre/gym. Would you be so kind as to fill up this quick questionnaire and help him? Thanks.

54 thoughts on “Gender bender?

  1. My son who is about to be four has neon blue nail paint on one of his toes…it has a smiley on it drawn with a black sketch pen. I care a DAMN about ‘other’ people. They can fuck off. And if they ever say anything remotely derogatory I will claw their eyes off with my egg-yolk yellow nails and eat it like an olive on a toothpick.

  2. nadis first big gift was a kitchen set 🙂 though the notion of males cooking (bawarchis) is not new, its only now that jamie oliver has made it possible for boys parents to dream of their sons gifting them an apartment in london on his chefs salary!

    i DO dress my girl in pinks a lot. but my personal faveourite baby colour remains white 😀

    I think gender identity is important but not to the point when it begins to define their choices.

  3. i remember a guy at my workplace never wanting to wear pink,thinking it’ll make him less of a man(or maybe sensitive to realize that he cud be laughed at)
    this While a woman can drive bike,wear blue,pink or cyan nd apply a man’s deo if it makes her smell nice.

    I fail to understand how colour such as pink can define your sexual orientation,or even label you a ‘pansy’ or ‘sissy’ if u be a boy.
    it’s all nothing but a societal construct and little kids cant stand up for their choices when they’re impressionable and so influenced by their is certainly not a colour exclusive to girls,but ppl do paint walls pink when expecting a girl.
    though make-up i keep out of bounds,i do allow facepainting for the pure fun of it,like i allow rangoli…

  4. pink was traditionally boy’s colour,but girls later claimed this colour since it augumented their cream and peach complexion besides going beautifully with their rosy lips.hence now is used mostly for girl, women and newlywed brides.

    but a colour is a colour is a colour.
    let the child paint the town red,pink or blue.
    who cares as long as you’re laughing and enjoying?

  5. I can’t remember where exactly I saw it – but I guess you could google it – but apparently the tradition was that boys wore pink and gils blue and then it got switched around only in the 60’s.
    I try really hard not to dress Aditi in all pink but sometimes I do.

  6. When I was pregnant with Risha..I vowed never to dress her in pink. And then realized that pink is just another color so should not be treated in any other way. So she has pink, purple, blue, black…every other color of dress in her wardrobe. She has her share of frills, but her daily wear is something more comfortable for a toddler…tights and t-shirt. And I will have no qualms if I had a boy and had to dress him in Risha’s hand-me-downs.

    When I was a child I remember when my cousin who was my age came to stay over without adequate preparation. The next morning, I handed him one of my t-shirts that was not too girly and he wore it and took off. Nobody even reacted, let alone overreact. It was not a big deal then and I have no clue why it should be a big deal now.

  7. I would, I would. I would let him paint his toe nails any color of the rainbow and defend and protect him for his choice. But it would be his choice. I wouldn’t do it as much to fulfill any fantasy of mine, at least I don’t think so. I do understand that I have to be ready for a tough road ahead if he gets jeered at but I’d like him to see first that his mother supported his choice.
    My daughter also dresses in everything from dresses to shorts and pants of every hue, but I have to admit I try to do the girly thing as much as possible. I don’t think this has as much to do with gender stereotyping as it is for this smitten mother to gape at her pretty girl. It’s just that often dresses are well, dressier than pants. Also, I am milking these years for all they’re worth till she actually has an opinion about these things.

  8. cutesy little boys are made to wear frocks when they are very yopung,almost seeming a girl and clicked to embarrass them as adults.Older boys who didn’t have regular haircut were made to stand near the blackboard wearing ponytail atop their head to humiliate them in school.
    even if parents do not imbibe such notions in them,society does.Same can be said about latest fads like facebook,bayblades or blue being the colour not of girls but of boys.

  9. Nice post MM! I have often thought about it and I do believe it is true. Growing up, being called a tomboy was a matter of pride whereas a guy who preferred reading over sports or sharing his feelings over maintaining a cool distance was called a sissy. I doubt things have changed much over the years. I also think it is a side effect of masculinity being associated with aggressiveness and independence and feminity with being docile and meek. Perhaps it is time to bend the rules some?

    I have two girls and I know I will take pride in whatever they do i.e., play with dolls or pull them apart. If I had a boy I wonder if I would have worried if dolls were all he wanted to play with. Chances are, I would have been OK up until kindergarten and like you say been more worried for how others will tease him rather than the action in itself.

  10. No, Idea what I would do, not a parent yet. But yes, my bro refuses to let my nephew wear a frock (even for 25 seconds) in a frock (he is around a year old). He claims, my nephew would be aghast, if he saw the “girly” pics of himself down the line. I have not given up though :), I do not want my nephew growing up with prejudices of other people (even his parents or me 🙂 )
    Why make something so simple a taboo? And really why have slots let each person make their own slots.

  11. i am something of a tomboy myself. i love climbing trees and guns and mud but my favourite color is also pink. i know the most manliest men who turn to mush watching the lamest of movies, and i have never doubted their masculinity. so i guess its all about having the right blend, to the right degree. in times when we shout about being righteously equal, i think everyone should be allowed to find their own little space. but then i am not a mom, and i can only think so much 🙂

    oh btw i hate nailpolish. 🙂

  12. I have a son, and i have loads of pink shirts and bodysuits for him. (ofcourse he is just 10 months old).

    But i dont think it would be such a big deal with me if he wanted to paint his toes pink or any colour for that matter. But yes, in some part of my head i would worry about him being teased.

  13. A friend of mine has a son who when he was around 5-6 wanted to play with a doll. His parents of course told him that only girls do that. Me and other friends of mine promptly gifted him a doll on his birthday.
    The boys mother told us that he did play with the doll for a couple of days and then discarded it as kids do with almost all the toys.
    But yes, I would like to believe that if I had a son, I would let him to do whatever he wants (although pink nail paint I am not sure). As for my daughter I dont like dressing her up only in pinks but the reality is when go out to buy clothes for girls pink dominates followed by reds and yellows. Blues are only in denims.

    The one line though that hit me most in your post was:

    (Hell, in some parts of the country you will still see men holding hands and they’re only friends!)

    This is very very true and I feel very sad that today 2 men / 2 women who would be very casually holding hands/standing with an arm on the others shoulder (as I grew up doing/watching) would be eyed suspiciously…what has the world come to!!

  14. You got it right we really are ‘more particular about our boys being boys than our girls being girly’.
    Gosh this is confusing. I might allow my son to wear nailpaint at five/six but not beyond that. I do try not to draw girl/boy lines but I have to admit they DO exist for my son as for my daughter. For instance I wouldn’t be happy if my son wanted to dress in girly clothes while my daughter can wear almost anything.
    On the other hand .. I find myself telling my daughter to ‘sit properly’ if we have company and her underwear is on display but that issue doesn’t arise for my son.
    Am I doing the right thing? I don’t know. You tell me. I just go by instinct… but then a lot of mothering is instinctive.

  15. hmmm. this is tough one. this is what i really love about blogs. you get to read about and think about things which would never ever cross your head.
    i think in this respect in families like ours the girls do have it easier. they can be girlish or boyish as they please and no one raises eyebrows because i guess the culture of little girls should be groomed to become good wives is thankfully gone. but not so for the boys. boys HAVE to be boyish no matter what their preference is. heck even ‘gentle’ boys who don’t like to fight and curse don’t have it easy (as you’ve written so many times). i like to think i’m liberal. liberal enough to let my daughter wear ratty shorts or jeans and play with cars and toy soldiers and the like if and when she wants to. but if i had a little boy – i don’t know if i would be very comfortable with putting him in frocks and make-up or maybe even playing with dolls too much. guess i’m not as broad-minded as i thought :(. would need to rethink this a lot i guess.
    as for dressing my daughter in pink – i love pink but my grouse is why are most little girl dresses in pink? 75% of her wardrobe is pink because there’s not much choice in non-pink.

  16. forgot to add. mostly we dress anna is leggings and top so that she’s comfortable. she had her mundan couple of months ago and has really short spiky hair now. most people think she’s a boy :P. so it works the other way too.

  17. I did paint my son’s toes when he asked me to. But he himself chose the color blue!! 🙂 I do shop from mothercare sometimes (only when they have sales Hmph!) but avoid pink for my daughter. Everyone gifts her pink. My boy is so boyish that there is no question of him asking anything girlie. I did get him a kitchen set once on my own on which he cooks his imaginary stuff.

  18. MM,
    I would paint his toe nails pink – And also tell him that
    1. Nail paint is harmful for kids so it would be just that 1 time.
    2. And pink is just a colour – so if someone asks you tell them that Mamma painted it…
    And I dont mind dressing up the 15 month old in a frock atleast for a picture keepsake while the Dad doesnt like it 😦

    As for clothes – I prefer shopping in local shops just so I can buy different colours other than the standard blue shades in a branded shop!

  19. 🙂 🙂 Yes Yes my 7 yr old and 3 yr old paint their toes. Mostly they are hidden in their shoes. Couple of times i have forgotten to remove the nail polish and they have worn open sandals. Recently they even got a small mehandi pattern done on their inner palms when they saw my neice doing it for herself. Except that they did not have the patience to keep it long enough and it did not turn out very bright.

    My husband does raise an eyebrow..well i couldn’t care. I am sure they will outgrow these things pretty soon.

  20. And all along, I thought mommyhood would take its toll on my body! Looks like that is nothing compared to what it is going to do to my heart, haan? Put it through the wringer!

  21. Dear MM,

    I have no qualms painting my son’s toe nails if he asked someday. He plays with his older sister’s toys and loves Dora. The other day he took sissy’s old Dora backpack to play school and as soon as he stepped into the class, these 2 little girls came running and asked him why he brought Dora as only girls play with them. They are just 3 years old! My son was nonchalant though and said I like Dora and it is my sisters. My 8 year old girl though is a girly-girl much to my annoyance. She prefers mainly pink and purple and is color coordinated from a very young age. She also thinks Karate is for boys! We have never gender stereo-typed even a little bit, but I guess what they wear and what they play with also depends on the personality of the kids.

  22. Boy! Yohaan spends his entire day wearing my dupattas wrapped around saree-like, wears my sandals, wears my bangles and cooks the whole day. If you ask him ‘who are you?’ he will reply, ‘me, mamma’. He emulates everything I do…ive mentioned it a couple of posts ago doesnt bother me…but bothers a lot of other folks around me!I dont actively encourage this kind of playing with my girly stuff nor do i discourage him…but dont allow cosmetics cos they are bleddy expensive in this part of the world!He has broken a lovely lilac liptick already and it broke my heart. sigh.


  23. Nailpolish on boys is cool. Pink is cool too. But I would draw the line at dresses and plaits…now, thats just cruel.
    Another thing about pink, I think it looks better on the more macho/masculine of the male species than the “metrosexuals” and SNAGs. Theres something very appealing about a pretty colour on a rugged guy 😉

  24. paint my son’s nails? well…. don’t know about that. i don’t even paint my own. my daughter once wanted to paint hers. bought her a pink bottle of it. its lying around now, unused. my daughter is going through a ‘boy phase’ now. we actually shop in the boy’s section. i insist on her keeping her earrings on (dont want to go through ear piercing pain again, dude!), but otherwise i mostly let her wear what she wants, and get her hair cut when she starts cribbing. she is mistaken for a boy often these days. and so far its been fine. i guess the other way around is less socially acceptable… and i cannot blame my child because i am also what would be called a ‘tomboy’ – even now. she did used to want everything in pink and while THAT drove me nuts, it was not a big deal because there is so much pink available there for little girls.

  25. You know me. My kids use nail polish once or twice a year. Both of them. Son gets the occasional comment and comes telling me about it, but still asks for the nailpolish and mehendi next time. And he learns Kathak. And ‘cooks’ in my real kitchen with me and his dad and sister. No gender lines in my home. He has finally agreed that his sister can be his co-pilot when he joins the AirForce, and he can also roll a mean Australia-shaped chapathi 🙂

    It’s very much harder for boys to cross the gender lines, but I think one pair of convinced parents is something the world cannot overcome!

  26. I clicked on the questionnaire ..lekin it was for ppl who are in well.

    Hmm..i blogged about this(pink dolls and blue cars) about a year and a half back when my sis’s li’l daughter was born. I feel like I have said this on your blog before…but yet, I’ll post the same comment again
    Many friends and family members wanted all the girls/ladies to wear pink for her 1st b’day party. My sis struggled with this, but was outnumbered. Until about a year ago.. her son had some kinda liking for the color pink. If my sis told him ‘enough of red’ …then he used to want pink. N she knew that when everyone showed up at the party in pink and gifted her daughter a bunch of pink stuff..her son would ask to wear pink. She got him a nice “manly” pink sherwani…and that’s what he wore. In the last 6 months…mabbe ‘coz of school n stuff…(unfortunately?), he suddenly seems to have learnt that pink is a girl’s color and won’t wear it. n this is what my sis would say when ppl commented on her dressing her son in pink..that he is not going to want it for very long and that as long as he wants to dress in pink..he can.

    I reallie wish there was no gender divide as far as colors’s very unfair that we can get away with wearing any shade of blue , but boys can’t. its damned unfair. N I THINK India has learnt this from the west. Some men are now beginning to wear certain shades of pink here ( I guess thanks to it becoming part of the Paris fashion scene?), but there will be few who notice it and comment on it. n its only after coming to the US, that I learnt that yellow is suppose to be a “gay” color? Reallie?

    I know I NOTICE it when a man(not child) wears nail polish Vs when a woman wears it. Something about it feels awkward. So while I agree that a li’l boy should not be told to not wear nail polish ‘coz hes a boy, how long is a boy a li’l boy? What happens if he never grows out of it himself? At which age does one make the decision that nail-polish is no more appropriate for him? Or, should one never make that decision for him.

  27. MM the brouhaha over the nails is a non-issue in my eyes. tho I’ve never really done it with my kid (because he never asked) I have put bindis on him when he was fascinated with them. as recently as last month he wanted to try on my necklace. I put it on, made him a towel-cape and put a crown on him–he took out his sword and went at the curtains. My point is that I can’t possibly mess up his gender, or his identity by putting any garb or costume on him. This advert has been taken up by the dayaan-wingers to create a lot of noise about their favorite (non) issue. No one can “make” someone gay or encourage cross dressing, it’s a part of their makeup(pun totally unintended, but now that it’s there, heehee)….

    You know in the victorian age, men wore powder in their hair, and lace and pinks and puffy stuff. It was the height of fashion. Were their genders skewed? What about our own maharajas who wore more jewelry than any woman alive today? My point is, that we as human have created these dress codes, they have nothing to do with gender identities. If we were left to be as nature/gofd intended, we would probably all still be running around starkers or tastefully wrapped in animal skin or something. Or hair, like the rest of the apes.

    This is just a whole lot of melodrama to create an isuue where none exists.

    politics. as. usual.

    Who said pink is for girls only? I’ve seen plenty of boys in India wear pink. hell, Saif (drool!) does it all the time.

    As far as the pink nails go, I’m not even sure she let her kid go out in those nails. I’ve let my little guy go at his arms and legs with a washable marker (anything to keep him busy). Put him in the tub, it all washes right off. and there’s always nailpaint remover, right?

    Total non issue.

  28. No, I would not apply nailpaint on a boy!! The teasing would get to him. Even to my daughter, who is three, I tell her now- Similar lines- its a big girl thing to do! Now fro the bias, we were very wary of not dressing up kiddo in all pinks. Now that she has a say in EVERYTHING- she picks out things which are far from anything girly. Sadly, here in US, everything is gender based as well. We went for big kid bike shopping with her- and all girls bikes were pink/purple.. and boys were Cars, Toy Story… sadly even though my daughter was in tears to get the ‘cars’ painted bike, we could not get it since it had the bar in the middle making it harder for girls to ride it! So even though I dont want to push- girl thing- guy thing to her, the marketing does it for me!

  29. We did the frock and long hair thing for N when he was a baby, pre-mundan as well 🙂 In his case, it was absolutely for blackmail-as-a-teen purposes – when he acts all stroppy and all-knowing, I shall pull out embarassing photos. (yes I’m a mean mom!)

    More seriously – we tried to be gender neutral re: nail painting – but teasing from other kids made N eschew nail painting pretty early – he still loves mehndi, but asks for impossible things to be drawn on (space shuttle, scenes from specific books etc.) I hate seeing him be teased/hurt so had to fight with myself pretty hard to let him deal with the nail-polish fallout himself. Toys – both kids are montessori alumni, so played with all kinds. Cooking is gender neutral in our house anyway and both kids started cooking lessons at age 8 (at home, with us). He git into latch-hooking a typically girly thing to do, but made a sports-related picture instead and displayed it proudly to all and sundry. Didn’t see any negative fallout from that.

    He tends to dissolve in tears much more than is socially acceptable for 11-year old boys, so takes some flak from playmates for that. We figure that he’s old enough to learn to deal with it at this age, though we are on hand to check for bullying/inappropriate teasing etc.

    My daughter, is, as you know from my frequent grumblings, as un-girly as they come – except for being stereo-typically anti-sport.

    BTW, Garima, we did buy a boy’s bicycle for my daughter – at 9 she still rides a boys’ bike, as her favorite color is red, and she hates pink/purple!


  30. “So… what do you think? Would you allow your son to paint his nails if he wanted to?”

    — If he wanted to.. then yes, but I’d might talk him into a washable tatto ( P.S.: I am not fond of both things)

    “An older boy – even 5 or 6?”
    — since when a boy of 5-6 became older? Are you still living in India or what?

    “What about your daughter? Do you tend to dress her in pinks and reds alone?”

    –Being in US, that is majority of the time we get.. but I/we have induldged her to go beyond pink ( which she has).. and considering her foray into Justin B’s poster.. I think she’ll decide what she wants eventually.

    MM, now that your parents are here.. give me 2 things:

    1) a PO box
    2) a post about road rage

    P.S.: Nope, you turning 30+ won’t cut it… If needed, I’ll find 30+ capsules which Jeetendra used to advertise on DD (back in 1986-88)

    • arre… you have no idea. A 5 year old boy in India will get teased to death if he paints his nails. They might leave a 3 year old alone.
      will chat with you about the other two things. post on road rage huh? My only contribution to this is that I don’t drive else I’d be one of those people picking people off the streets and running over them for driving like idiots!

  31. Also, is everything OK at your brother’s place? We live in NJ, and we hardly get these kind of storms.. but even at our place, once in a while, they are powerful enough to damage ( like the shed roof ripped off, siding ripped, water leakage etc.)

  32. I spend half my day combatting this ‘pink/purple is only for girls’ nonsense’ in my kindergarten class. I do it in a subversive manner, of course. I make sure that any boy who says that only has pink construction paper to work with that day, or a purple marker to draw with. Then they are made to repeat the following several times over, “Colors are colors. They have to do with boys or girls.” I stress on this mostly because it is a huge pet-peeve of mine.

    I grew up in a gender-balanced environment. Both my parents worked. I had pink dresses and a toy-oven, but I also had remote-controlled cars, red bikes, Legos, race-car tracks. I was a huge tomboy growing up, WWE t-shirts, climbing over gates, playing cricket with the neighborhood kids, very short hair, etc. I have changed over the years — I have longer hair now, wear some eyeliner but I also still wear my dad’s t-shirts and my husband’s jacket in public.

    Society be damned.

  33. All this controversy is because you have some conservative, narrow minded bigots who are convinced that if you pain a 5 year olds nails then you’re basically condemning him to a life of debauchery and homosexuality.

    I am ‘friends’ with one such woman on FB (she had a link to the catalogue ad) and her status updates are enough to make me want to vomit. I feel sorry for her kid.

  34. love you for this post. i often think about this.

    girls can get away with everything – being girly, being rowdy, being brats, being tomboys… wearing frills or wearing baniyans… playing with dolls or playing with soldiers… enacting a house scene or enacting an air raid.

    boys… i feel sad for the poor beings. really. it’s not about them wearing pink. it’s about the generic pressure which comes their way – it’s all very fine to say you’d let your baby boy do as he pleases, even if it’s girly, and let the world go to hell… but when the baby boy grows up to be say 15, i am not sure how many women will be proud of him wearing a salwar or a skirt, even in the confines of his home… or how would they like if the boy broke into a sob every 2 hours (which if a girl does, yes a mom will get concerned but maybe not

    or say, your son at the age of 18 wants to get weekly manicures and facials and eyebrow shaping or whatever… and laughs daintily with a hand covering his mouth.. i’d bet my last penny you’d wish he was more manly.

    when i was in college, it was NEVER the tomboyish girls who were looked at askance or made fun of (hell, i was one of them, and i guess liked all the more because of it)… but lord, the girly/feminine boys bore the brunt of all jokes…. till date, i cannot stand a girly boy.

    i often worry that while girls have the best of BOTH worlds, the poor boys have to stick to several sterotypes STILL.

    and i expect the boys to stick to those stereotypes, and i am not proud of it. it’s the sad truth.

  35. yes, i would put pink nail polish on my son’s nails if he asked for it or if i felt the whim.. though he would get enough comments not to ask for it a second time, i guess…

    my father’s favorite color was blue : growing up, in the years when my father did the shopping, all i had were blue dresses in every shade you could imagine 🙂

    even now, every year i get a birthday gift from my father n i don’t have to open it to know it would be some beautiful blue dress !

    pink is a beautiful color and in many ways stronger than blue : so i always wonder why it was pink for girls and blue for boys wen the society tells us we are the weaker ones ?

    colors for me hold meanings …and they have nothing to do with gender.

  36. I think this is a great post.

    It seems so wishy washy but eats away at your brain.
    Who cares if a boy or girl has painted nails, but in deeper thought, it really is who is happy to portray their kid inthe national spotlight leaving them open to be judged by their peers before they realise the potential implications.

    It is marketing genius from a business perspective and a great parenting discussion point.

    Well done mad momma for spotlighting this, it gives endless coffee table discussion!

And in your opinion....