50 thoughts on “The artist in the making

  1. Graphic descriptions. Yes, I know how it is. My 8yr old still is at it sometimes. 🙂
    I keep meaning to ask- where do you get your fabulous headers from?

    • 🙂 boys!
      my headers are simply pics that I click. this one I took a couple of days ago when all my spring flowers bloomed in my balcony. you like? thank you 🙂

  2. I sometimes wonder if we’d been *so observant* as kids too…I’d be too embarrased to ask my mom now 🙂

  3. Hahaha.. look at it this way:

    – He knows his colors well
    – Is good at logical reasoning and data interpretation
    – Finds inspiration where there’s .. err. nothing 🙂
    – And well, the boy can invent new potty jokes.

    What more could you want? 😀

  4. cute is not a word i’d use here… something better… someone help me with vocab!! yeah i too wonder if we were as observant as kids…damn it!! i want one for myself now.. which comes with a cuteness guarantee…

  5. I’m trying to imagine suggesting this to art teachers as a fab way to explain colour mixing 😀

    So tell us, does he pee standing up, and if yes, how did you achieve it? Mine pees standing in school only…at home, he sits. It seems to be a good thing (no aiming involved 😉 ), but am not sure if I should be pushing it!

    • he’s been peeing standing up ever since he was tall enough to aim into the bowl and he’s damn neat about it. no sprinkling while tinkling.

      so here’s TMI- but I think its because he sees his father do it and he ‘knows’ its the big boy thing to do.

  6. Awwww…what an astute lil fellow! I told you, you have a lil Picasso there – he even knows how to mix his colors!!

  7. 🙂 Learning his lessons the practical way.
    My 2 year old says, See ma, poop is swimming in the potty:)

  8. Wow I’ve never noticed/thought about it till now. But every time I pee, I’m going to think about Brat’s discovery.Lol

  9. I’ll second you there! I hate Pizza Hut and mall parties. They are so cold and characterless. And I’m one of those who loves to slog it out over my daughter’s birthday party. It’s just something I love to do. This year we did exceptionally well – we had a Princess theme party – and worked on the whole thing ourselves. My daughter M drew out princess after princess – with paint and crayons and what not. And I converted them all into glittering danglers. We made little crowns that were given away instead of silly party hats. We had princess theme games. WE even had story telling where my brother sweetly agreed to play the evil witch. Oh yeah we had a blast!! And yes I bought return gifts from a nearby orphanage – all little stuff made by the kids.

    So I understand the effort you’ve put in. And I can see that you’ll do it every year. The Pizza Hut parties are not for you either.

    When you have the time – these are where I fretted over M’s birthday party:




  10. lol Brats are wonderful creatures and their antics stay with us even after we become grandparents! My brats always wonder how I remember all their adventures even today!

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